Vragengolf RPPC

Vragengolf RPPC

Sinds kort zijn wij vanuit de Q3 Group lid van de Rotterdam Port Promotion Council (RPPC). De RPPC is een organisatie die internationale netwerkmogelijkheden aanbiedt, waarbij persoonlijk contact centraal staat. Dit proberen zij te bereiken door het organiseren van...
Project in Ivory Coast

Project in Ivory Coast

It is alway nice to see your engineering works in reality.For a project in Ivory Coast we were asked by LPL Projects to arrange a Superintendent to monitor and lead the nautical logistics and perform the load-outs. During the project they run into a few challenges and...
Our guys on training

Our guys on training

Staying up to date and expanding our knowledge are key factors within Q3 Heavy Lift. This week five of us took part in a training to operate and getting to know SPMT’s best way...
Harbour Run

Harbour Run

Trots op ons fantastische team voor de Harbour Run Rotterdam. Met een gecombineerd team van Q3 Heavy Lift, Suptech en Greenport Rotterdam hebben wij de 6 en 10 km en de vele soms leuke soms moeilijke obstakels in de Rotterdamse haven getrotseerd. Een mooi event...
Meet the Founders

Meet the Founders

Meet the founders of Q3; Floris Bomers and Vincent de Wilde As Floris is managing the Q3 ASIA location and therefore lives in Taiwan and Vincent manage Q3 Heavy Lift and lives in The Netherlands, making a picture of both of them together is a rarity. Nevertheless a...